Customer Service Point
Contact information
Customer Service Point

The Municipality of Pirkkala’s Customer Service Point provides general advice on municipal services and information on matters such as marketplace stalls, boat berths and right-of-residence apartments. You can also use the Customer Service Point to pay invoices issued by the municipality without any additional fees and check the municipality’s official notice board for official announcements and notices issued by the municipal authorities.
There are municipal brochures and publications as well as Tampere Regional Transport bus timetables, for example, available at the Customer Service Point. We also accept lost and found items.
We provide advice on matters related to Kela, TE Services and the Digital and Population Data Service Agency. You can drop off any mail addressed to Kela, TE Services and the Digital and Population Data Service Agency with us and ask for advice on their services and how to fill in forms. The Customer Service Point also includes a Kela remote service point, where you can speak with a Kela customer service advisor via a video connection.
The Customer Service Point’s computers can be used to access electronic services provided by the municipality, Kela, TE Services and the Digital and Population Data Service Agency.
Löysitkö mitä etsit?
Check more information about the Kela website and e-service. Apply for benefits online. Keep up-to-date about the status of your application, your benefit data and the payment dates.
Check more information about the TE services website and e-service.
TE services provides services for the public employment and business.
Check more informarion about the Digital and Population Data Services Agency website. The agency promotes the digitalisation of society, secures the availability of data, and provides services for the life events of its customers. For example you can change your address via their services.